SoS program

A tool for mapping sequence variability onto protein structures (SNPs onto Structures)
SoS is written in the Perl language and it has been designed for Linux and Unix OS
==>  SoS.tar.gz    Installation

PyMOL plugins

(for Linux only)
Warning ! These plugins are beta versions
    @  ProSAT plugin : ProSAT_linux_plugin installer
            ProSAT (Protein Structure Annotation Tool) is a tool to map SwissProt features and Prosite patterns on to a 3D structure of a protein.
History of the ProSAT plugin: history
    @  CASTp plugin  : CASTp_linux plugin FOR PyMOL 0.98
            CASTp provides identification and measurements of surface accessible pockets as well as interior inaccessible cavities, for proteins and other molecules.
GPSSpyMOL plugin : GPSSpyMOL linux plugin FOR PyMOL >= 0.98
    @  ConSurf plugin : ConSurf_linux_plugin installer
            ConSurf-HSSP provides pre-calculated evolutionary rates of the amino acid sites, based on HSSP alignment of homologous proteins and the Rate4Site algorithm.
History of the ConSurf plugin: history
     CASTp.pyc file must be downloaded in $PYMOL_HOME/modules/pmg_tk/startup/ and remove the former one
